Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tag cloud taken from http://www.wordle.net/

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bourne shell redirection

0 is stdin;
1 is stdout;
2 is stderr

redirect std err to file
$command 2>file

direct the output from command to stderr
$commamd >& 2

direct std output and std err to a file or /dev/null
$ command >file.log >>file.log
$ command >file.log 2>&1
$ command >/dev/null 2>&1

Some cool one liners..

sum numbers in first column of a file
$ cat filename | awk 'BEGIN { tot=0 } { tot+=$1 } END { print tot }'

only print certain lines in a file, eq 20 - 30
$ sed -n -e 20,30p filename

Search all files in and below for a string xyz:
$ find . -exec egrep xyz {} \; -print

Remove all files name ".log.tmp"
$ find . -name .log.tmp -exec rm {} \;

search a file for any of three strings:
$ egrep 'abc|xyz|or' filename

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sexy Unix Commands

the follwing are the sexy commands.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

removing duplicate files using shell script


One liner script provided below, can be used to identify the duplicate files within the system. If you want to search in a partticular path, just replace it with "/tmp" provided in sample command. It will redirect all the duplicate file names into removal_list.txt which can be used to delete them.

find /tmp "$@" -type f -print0 xargs -0 -n1 md5sum sort --key=1,32 uniq -w 32 -d --all-repeated=separate sed -r 's/^[0-9a-f]*( )*//;s/([^a-zA-Z0-9./_-])/\\\1/g;s/(.+)/#rm \1/' >> removal_list.txt

Performance comparision

Checkout the "time" command.

For checking the time taken for execution of any command do the following:

Say you want to execute "ls -l grep sanju.txt" and measure time taken for this.
Now open a bash shell and on the prompt
$time ls -l grep sanju.txt

it shows you the time taken by the command execution

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Unaliasing in BASH

Unaliasing in BASH
How can we unalias a command temporarily without using unalias command ?

just put the escape character before the command i.e. "\"e.g. :-


It will show the without alias.